Oxygen provider SSI

Administrador de oxigeno

Knowing how and when to use emergency oxygen is a great skill to have and means you’re ready to help others should the need arise

Becoming a SSI Emergency Oxygen Provider lets you breathe easy knowing that you can recognize scuba diving illnesses treatable with emergency oxygen, and are prepared to offer aid.

You’ll learn

  • About dive injuries, different types of emergency oxygen equipment and safety considerations when using oxygen
  • Assembling and disassembling emergency oxygen equipment
  • Deploying a non-rebreather mask and a demand inhalator valve on a breathing diver


- Submit a medical certificate or health declaration: https://www.diveparadis.com/en/Diver-Medical?i=en
- Present an explicit diving insurance: https://www.scubamedic.com/Particulares.php?ScubamedicID=10
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